Man! God is growing me a lot right now in this chapter of life. High school is almost over and and with it, to be honest, so is my childhood. This excites and frightens me. I look forward to being used by God in the years to come and I am so thankful for the past years He has blessed me with but the idea that I will soon be responsible for SO much more is humbling. I love getting to see how God is leading and providing for all my needs-physical, spiritual and emotional. I was talking with my parents the other night about this whole "transition stage" and how I'm enjoying and disliking it at the same time. Sunday for instance I was an emotional wreck. ( Which is not at all like me) I cried on and off all day and I didn't really even know why. I didn't know how to explain what I was feeling or what I thought I was feeling, I just cried. You have to understand that I cry when I'm stressed or tired- I was both- so that didn't help but still, I was having a real "come to grasps with reality" moment.
It's funny how God always knows when you need those.
God really showed me how short our lives are and how important it is to be sure that we live every moment for Him.
Through this, He is teaching me that I need to learn how to prioritize my activities and time - this is a hard lesson. He is reminding me to be sure that I try to bring Him glory in all that I do and that my priorities are ones that honor Him. I have always tried to searched for God's will in my life and asked that His will be done but lately I have really been convicted to dig deep and search hard for what the Lord is wanting me to do. What His specific will is for me. This might take some time but I know He will answer me in His timing and until then I will wait patiently and expectantly for His answer. He is also reminding me to live with purpose. Not to got through the motions of being a Christian, not to be content with living in my own little Christian bubble doing my own little thing but to live reaching for goals and with a purpose to show others Christ. Not be afraid of whether or not other people will except what I have to share with them about Christ but to be content in obeying Him. That brings me to another point, contentment.
He is showing me that I need to be content with the age that I am, in the place that I am and with what He has me doing right now. That's another hard lesson but one I am so thankful to be taught.
Bottom line - God is good and He never changes.
He has a plan and my prayer is that I will earnestly seek and follow it with all my heart. I pray that I will not worry about the future but be content with the here-and-now and live every moment of this short life for His glory and with purpose for His kingdom.
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